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Writer's picturenzygarlicke

Tangible Tips for Tough Conversations (Post 2/2)

Here is my list of things to consider when preparing for and navigating tough conversations.

A couple of weeks ago in my post I encouraged leaders to have the tough and difficult conversations, as I believe it is necessary in leadership.

Today, I am sharing tangible tips for those tough discussions. 

Here are Tips 7-11! Tips 1-6 were posted last week!

7️. Let others speak for themselves.

If another individual is brought up during the conversation, do not speak about them. Especially do not talk for them, even if that third person has divulged information. Keeping the conversation between the people in the room is best and usually keeps the conversation on task. 

8️. Listen to understand, not to respond.

We have all heard this line before. Truly listen. Listen to understand not to defend or respond. My suggestion is to write down 1 word that will be a reminder for a response when the person is finished speaking - come back to that 1 word. Write the word down and immediately bring the attention back to what the person is saying. 

9️. Take a pause before you speak.

You do not need to respond right away to whatever is said. Gather your thoughts and be thoughtful in the response. It is okay to say "I need a moment to think about this..." Also, many people are uncomfortable in silence and many times the pause will cause the person to reveal even more information. 

1️0. Seek a solution

Be solutions orientated toward the end of the conversation. Talk about what the next steps are and who is handling what? 

1️1️. Take a break if needed.

If the conversation is going haywire, emotions are escalating and not coming down, if the conversation is going in circles, or if it is difficult to find solutions then take a break. Set a time to revisit the conversation and try again. 

Thank you to La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce for allowing me to present and discuss these tips at their most recent Young Professionals Lunch n’ Learn!

Week 22 of 52

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