Take yourself seriously. Take life lightly.
I heard this the other day and it was a heck of a reminder!
For me, it means to take what I have control over seriously.
Showing up with intention.
Bringing my best self every day.
Doing the behind-the-scenes work so that I am improving. For example, improving or maintaining good eating, sleeping, reading habits, etc.
Being prepared for meetings.
Protecting my time so that it is spent with people that fill my cup or challenge me to be a better person.
But in everything else. Take life lightly.
That means not spending hours with countless thoughts about how a work project needs to get done and be near perfection.
Less worrying about things or people that I don't have control over.
Maybe even remembering to have perspective when things aren't going well.
Embracing the fun and joy that is held within every day.
Smiling more, laughing more often.
Taking the moments to truly soak in the good energy of the people around me.
With the Holidays happening throughout, my hope for myself and for others it to take yourself seriously (only with the things you can control) and take everything else in life lightly.
Week 46 of 52